BoD Elections 2018

I know that it has just ruined into November, but that means that in just over a month we are set to enact some big changes. The yearly elections will be on December 2nd at 5:00pm at Elmer's Aquarium. This meeting is also our MEGA Raffle. We will be offering a free ticket for every item donated up to a max of 5 tickets. Old Equipment, tanks, coral frags et cetera are all needed and greatly appreciated.

The big thing is that moving forward we need much more help for you guys. We have been operating on only a partial Board of Directors. To continue having a club we need some people to step up to the plate. It does require some time commitment and so forth, but the same handful of people cannot keep the club going forever. We need to keep those doing it all from getting completely burnt out and spread out the work and responsibilities a bit. If you do not have time to commit throughout the term please do not offer up yourself, but if you do have the time to commit on a regular basis we really need you. The nomination are open as of today Nov 1st, 2017. The position of the board are as follows. President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership coordinator, Special Events coordinator, Web Master and News Letter.We really need to fill all 9 of those positions. So please lets here who you would have take us into 2018.