Bonsai Tree inspired Aquascape


New member
Hello Guy/Gals,

I have decided to take out some rock and lean out my aquascape to give it a more open look. Actually i did not mean for it to look like a bonzai but this is what i came out with. The tank is a 36x36x24 Starfire Rimless. I have a post going on in the reefclub portion for more details on the setup. My other post on my Tank Any feedback is welcome and sorry for the crappy pics i need a new camera.

Here is a Before Shot

A here is what it looks like now



Left Side

Right Side

I wanted to have least contact with the sand without loosing coral space.

looks pretty neat to me

i love tanks with open looks... i went with a more open look a little over a year ago and have been happier.

the good thing about "open" tanks... you find places to put more stuff :)
Thank You Fatrip, I used a combination of acrylic rods a lot of zip ties and epoxy to get it real sturdy and strong.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11541215#post11541215 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Flint&Eric
well done :thumbsup: that balance is just right.... someone finally gets it ;)


it is great looking, the floating sps peninsula is just perfect.
I just posted this on your OTHER thread but wanted it here just in case you check here first..

"What an impressive tank. I Think I now know what my next tank SHOULD look like! WOW!

How did you do your rock work? I mean how is it suspended like that? "

Allen :)
Thank you BigAl, The rock that it is all attached to is really heavy and the only one touching the sand. That helped out a lot with the overhang not toppling over it's heavy enough to keep it upright the whole structure needed to be constructed outside of the tank then put back in.
So did you "peg & glue " the rock on the outcroppings? Is it a continuous rod or just pegs between rocks? :)
That looks awesome! You've done a great job. I love natural, open looking tanks. My next tank will follow this theme as well.
BigAl, Peg, glue and zip ties for pice of mind on the out cropping for the overhang. The top table has a continuous rod going straight up along with epoxy and zip ties.