Bored with new camera...


New member
Currently these are the only zoa's I have left after months of trying to figure out why they kept shriveling and disappearing (too clean of a tank and lack of nutrients.)

But, everything is corrected (I think) and will be getting a handful at a frag swap here in the next few weeks and wanted to keep this thread kinda going and keep track of the zoas in the tank. Plus I wanted to play around with my new camera anyways :)

Thanks! I took the gfo reactor offline, fed meatier foods more often and dose potassium nitrate.

Not only are they growing quickly but my sticks are getting better colors as well.
For awhile I was lazy and just fed a few different flakes and pellets, I added Rod's Food, Oyster Fest, Brine, and Mysis to the daily rotation. Its still a work in progress but at least I am finally seeing better results.
picked up a few items at a frag swap yesterday...

Vampires in drag I couldn't get a decent pic of the way its mounted, but managed to find these -

Scrambled eggs

Fruit Loops