bounce back ????????????????


New member
i just noticed some of that cyno bacteria in my tank 3 days ago. i put some chemiclean in there i was told it was the only way to get rid of it. i sucked it out 2 days in a row it was only a lil bit. i seen it on one of my mushrooms so about 2 hrs later wen i take a break and come upstairs it was on 6 mushrooms!!!! i sucked it out then kept a close eye on it. now it seems to be gone so my ? is is it normal for some corals to suck up for a few days cause of using chemiclean? my gonipora is just now coming out and almost everything is ooking good but these one set off zoo polyps is really closed. and they havent ever closed since i bought them.

so is it normal for your tank to have to bounce back after that?
i thought maybe i was adding to much chemicals! but i tested my calcium and it was 350 all other test were zero and ph is 8.2
I think that's pretty normal. My shrooms shrink and expand all the time. In the future, usually if you just kill the lights for a couple of days it will take care of cyano.

I used chemiclean in my tank when I had a horrible bout of cyano. My corals didn't close up to the chemiclean, but I'm sure its possible. But what happened was all my coral tat were touched by the cyano were the ones that closed up.

But I would just give them a few days. Your coral are probably stressed out from the cyano and maybe even from the treatment of it. So I would just keep an eye on them. Did you do the water change the 48 hours after dosing the chemiclean? I believe thats what is says on the instructions, but if you haven't maybe try a partial water change?
Hey Jim,

Charlie did have the brown jelly listed in one of his books, The books stated that the cause is from water conditions, When the coral is stressed or injured it could develop this brown jelly. It is a protozoon infection. The best to take care of this problem is siphon off the brown jelly. On hard corals you may give them a fresh water dip. As well correcting the water conditions.

I hope this helps,

coo thanks alot. i just threw the mushrooms in my sons tank he has no other corals so we will see what happens. im gonna do a water change now!!!