Premium Member
noobie to sps...so sorry if this question has been abused to the hills! Why do sps turn brown? I am looking after a friends tank, and he recieved an order from online, and one piece is a nice green sps...maybe a staghorn, another is just plain old brown...no polyp extension, nothing. His tank is 80G, with a ps75 skimmer, fluval, plus another filter...can't recall its name...some kind of biological job...and two powerheads, all water outputs pointed in different directions. temp 78-80,calc 400,sal. 1.024,amm.0,nitrate <10ppm.,alk 9, and that is all that I have tested for. I have some sps in my tank aswell so I would like to be able to do the very best by them that I can. HELP!!!