Brown stuff on zoas(not opening)HELP!


Active member
So I recently found Zoa eating Nudis in my BC. I took out all of my Zoas, dipped and put in coral QT tank. I did this on Saturday. My Zoas haven't been opening at all and today I noticed brown stuff on the tips. I"m a bit worried and would like to know what the stuff is. Also any suggestions on what I could add to the QT tank for maybe better luck? I'm not really dosing with anything it is just for corals.




I have found that if they are stressed they will "ooze" I also feel like flow helps the most, not a lot but consistent. I would also try to not blast them with light, and give them time. I have had some Zoa's that have pulled out of it and some that melt away.

I would love to hear someone with a more definitive answer.
I'm thinking they are releasing their zooxanthellae because of stress. I'm no pro but I'd try maybe moving the towards the bottom of the tank with a low flow on them. Once they stop releasing the zooanthellae try moving them back up little by little after a few days on the bottom. Let me know.