BRS 2 part question


New member
Thinking of ordering BRS 2 Part Calcium & Alkalinity Total Package - Bulk

It says 1/2 gallon 3.5 lbs. does it take 3.5 lbs to make 1/2 gallon? Sounds like a lot.

I know this is subjective but how long does a gallon last? Weeks months a year?
1/2 gal package is dry powder ca and alk, makes multiple gallons of liquid Ca and Alk

dosing depends on size of your tank and consumption. Before you start you should have good test kits for Ca, Alk and Mg. You will need to maintain mg above 1200 to maintain alk and ca levels.

LPS and SPS will use Ca and alk to build their skeletons. The amount you need to dose will depend on how much LPS/SPS you have. I think your tank is 120gal? With a small amount of sps/lps the 1/2 gal package will probably last 3-6 months
2 cups Alkalinity (Soda Ash) to 1 Gallon of RO water
2.5 cups Calcium (Crystalline Calcium Chloride Dihydrate) to 1 Gallon og RO water
As far as how long the gallons will last depends on the demand of the tank.
I've been using it for about 2 years. I find it to be cost effective and easy to maintain.
A gallon of calcium solution requires 2.5 cups of dry crystals. I use Arm & Hammer for alkalinity. I order the gallon size BRS calcium crystals and it lasts me several months.
Consumption depends on size and demand. That would probably last at least 6 months or more on my nano, LOL!
A gallon of calcium solution requires 2.5 cups of dry crystals. .

Ive always used 2 cups per gallon, never noticed the 2.5 on the website. Its always worked fine for me. Guess ill switch to 2.5/gal, lol. Thanks for the info guys. learn something new everyday. :o
2 cups alkalinity (soda ash) to 1 gallon of ro water
2.5 cups calcium (crystalline calcium chloride dihydrate) to 1 gallon og ro water
as far as how long the gallons will last depends on the demand of the tank.
I've been using it for about 2 years. I find it to be cost effective and easy to maintain.
