daniel smith
New member
I have just set up an aquarium for sps and although the tank is only ten weeks old all the parameters are as i would like for an sps tank (no nitrates ,no phospates). The problem is there is a small amount of bryopsis algae in some hard to reach crannies on the live rock. My main question is will a blue legged hermit crab tackle this algae .I dont really want to add hermits as my clean up crew consists of all various snails and i have been informed that hermits will kill and eat snails. But if they did a good job of eating bryopsis i would risk one or two. If this is not a good idea what else will eat this.
I have just set up an aquarium for sps and although the tank is only ten weeks old all the parameters are as i would like for an sps tank (no nitrates ,no phospates). The problem is there is a small amount of bryopsis algae in some hard to reach crannies on the live rock. My main question is will a blue legged hermit crab tackle this algae .I dont really want to add hermits as my clean up crew consists of all various snails and i have been informed that hermits will kill and eat snails. But if they did a good job of eating bryopsis i would risk one or two. If this is not a good idea what else will eat this.