BTA feeding

I had a green one and I never fed it. They should be able to survive on the waste from fish in your tank and maybe any other stuff that is in the water column. That is just my two cents.
I fed mine shrimp fry publix for about two years then stopped and it was still fine

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I have not fed mine in years, keeps spitting and growing. I do feed my fish a lot so I'm sure they get scraps here and there.

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So I’m assuming it found a spot to grab onto? I’ve every once in a while fed the one you got from me but definitely isn’t necessary.
It sounds like it’s not really necessary to feed regularly. Maybe I’ll just give it a shrimp or silverside once a month as a treat
I found that our lost its bubbles when not spot fed. I make sure to give it some of the frozen fish food once or twice a week. It seems to be better able to digest a lot of small pieces than when I would hand feed it a chunk of shrimp
I found that our lost its bubbles when not spot fed. I make sure to give it some of the frozen fish food once or twice a week. It seems to be better able to digest a lot of small pieces than when I would hand feed it a chunk of shrimp

Like some mysis would be good?
I would think so, I feed the fish a frozen mix like rods a few times a week and make sure to give some directly to the anemone with a turkey baster. The bits it catches seem to be roughly mysis sized.
I would think so, I feed the fish a frozen mix like rods a few times a week and make sure to give some directly to the anemone with a turkey baster. The bits it catches seem to be roughly mysis sized.

Cool thanks for the info!
I think that some just lose their bubbles for various environmental reasons, especially green btas, like flow and lighting. I feed at times, but the clowns that host should also feed their nems, which my gold stripe does, but my black oscillaris won’t. My rbtas keep their bubbles in the same tank.
I think that some just lose their bubbles for various environmental reasons, especially green btas, like flow and lighting. I feed at times, but the clowns that host should also feed their nems, which my gold stripe does, but my black oscillaris won't. My rbtas keep their bubbles in the same tank.

Is it a sign they are unhealthy if they lose their bubbles? Also not to change the subject but my bta moved last night as I read they do. It moved to under a rock is it just hiding since it's a new tank and will he probably come back out or will he probably stay there?
I don’t think the bubbles or lack there of are an indication of health. I just think it is the way it is for many btas, imho.

And yes, they tend to walk on occasion. Some will stay put for long periods of time. Just keep them away from power heads and he may walk into/under the rock work and if he is healthy and has no damage to his foot, he should emerge. They like to be left alone. Let him adjust and acclimate to his new environment.

How old is the tank? Many people recommend the tank be “established/mature” before adding a nem.
Yes, my experience is purely anecdotal and hardly scientific.

I do not believe having bubbles or not is any indication of health. Plenty of people have obviously healthy anemones that are not bubbly.

Regarding moving, ours has not moved from the spot I placed it 2.5 years ago, in spite of changes in light and flow, and even moving the entire rock during a re-scape. Early on it split and after staying put a month or so, the clone started wandering about, so it is truly a crap shoot
Nicest one I’ve ever had.


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So I'm assuming it found a spot to grab onto? I've every once in a while fed the one you got from me but definitely isn't necessary.

He grabbed on to the place I put him. But the next morning he had moved under a rock in a little cave and only a tiny bit of him is sticking out and is still in that same spot. I'm hoping It comes out the next couple days
He grabbed on to the place I put him. But the next morning he had moved under a rock in a little cave and only a tiny bit of him is sticking out and is still in that same spot. I'm hoping It comes out the next couple days

It should settle in soon.