Bubble coral distance to others


New member
Hello, I'm new to LPS and I have a question regarding how far other corals should be positioned from a Bubble Coral. Reading through the internet, most sites say to keep some distance but what exactly does that mean. Is 3 inches enough, 6 inches, or a foot enough.

I recently got a bubble coral and the zoanthids near the bubble coral are now only opening up half way. Is the bubble coral releasing toxins?

Can someone comment on what's happening.

it depends on the size of the Bubble coral and the direction of the current. Bubbles don't put out toxins but have rather long stinging tentacles. I would give the bubble at least 6inches space from any other coral downstream.
As for the zoos, the bubble is most likely stinging them at night whem it has many more tentacles out. If you are sure the Bubble is not touching them at any time then I would check the zoos for zoo eating nudibranches or even small aptasia.

Good luck, I love my Bubble coral It was my first LPS and still my favorite.
Thanks for the reply. I haven't seen the stinging tentacles reach the zoos but I never really watched them at night. I'll try to move things around and hope for the best.

As for other LPS (e.g., frogspawn, hammer), is it the stinging tentacles that I should also worry about and not toxins? Good to know for planning out the layout of my new tank.
yeah, LPS sting other corals while some Soft corals, such as leather corals, put out toxins.
Frogspawn, hammers and toches are all Euphilias and therfore can come into contact with eachother but will harm others.