Bubble Coral vs RBTA


New member
hey guys,
I picked up the RBTA from 45commando the other day and the morning after putting him in the tank, I found him positioned over my 4" bubble coral. I moved the bubble coral immediately but he has still been closed for 2-3 days. Did the RBTA kill it or is it possible that its still just in shock. Thanks
obzezzed350 I share your pain... the same thing happen to me. I found the RBTA over my ACAN colony (I lost 10-15 heads) then a month later it was over my maxima clam... which it was my fault, one of my powerhead lost suction creating a stream of water directly in her direction....it’s part of this wonderful experience.
it was not the stings that kill my clam... it was the foot of the RBTA the decided to park it self over the clam for I don't know how long...the clam just stayed shut after that and my cleaning crew took care of the rest.