Bubble magus akimmer



After some help please. Recently upgraded my small 90 litre tank to a Red Sea tank and it came with a bubble magus skimmer which is a brand I have not had before. Could anyone tell me any common setup issues they have had with them? As to me it does not look like it is creating anywhere near enough agitation?

Is that a picture of it with the pump running? Do you have the outlet closed? If yes, I’d guess the pump is bad. I see NO water in the skimmer body.
Hi yes that’s it on. When the pump is not connected to the skimmer it looks like it is working ok when you connect it to the skimmer however it looks like the pic. So o was hoping it is a user error and I just don’t understand it properly but I can see no way to adjust the air intake.
Hard to tell, but where’s this line connected?

If I’m not mistaken, that should be connected to the pump.

Also it appears the water level may be too low. Generally, I believe these skimmers like to be in between 9-11 inches of water per the manufacturer.
Also it appears the water level may be too low. Generally, I believe these skimmers like to be in between 9-11 inches of water per the manufacturer.
Good eye, I didn't catch the water level looking on my phone yesterday.