bubble mushroom?


New member
Sold as a bubble mushroom, but I can't find another post or picture of one like it. Are these fairly common? Is it indeed called a bubble mushroom?, or is there a better more common name for it? thanks for the info.
I like it, opens to almost 6 inches across
Rhodactus stitchtomea( I'm sure I killed the spelling on that) but it is close......They are a caribbean mushroom...
Discosoma Sanctithomae, bubble mushroom coral or warty mushroom coral. Your speeeeling was close enough. That one looks a bit translucent but the orange, blue and green should be a joy when it pops it's colors back in strength.

Also referred to by some as St. Thomas Ricordea. They were very hard to come by years ago, I see them more often now, you just have to hunt for them. Some have nodules and some are forked as in the picture above. I once had a colony of 30 on a football size rock years ago. They grew like crazy to the point I had to sell most of them off just to allow the rest of the reef to receive light. My favorites are the blood reds with white caps and the kiwi colored lime greens.

heres mine I got a few months ago mine are more purple pink. they are quickly becoming one of my fav corals - im always looking for more color varieties but they arent the easiest to find :(

this pic is a little blurry but shows the color better
I'm considering getting one of these myself. How big do these guys really get. I planned to put one in my 12gallon nano. I have seen some really big hairy mushrooms but they were so expanded becuase of light issues. If it takes up a corner I guess I'm o.k with it. I was thinking it would be a nice flower anemone replacement.
i saw a blue one for $50 on a frag site plus another $25 for shipping lol.my lfs guy told me they can turn any color once its moved to my tank so i could waste alot of money.i'm still looking for one though,but alot cheaper.
i just picked up a bright orange one - it was over 100bucks! the lfs owner took it out of his personal tank and it wasnt for sale but i begged. lol. He said he has only seen 2-3 of this color ever so it was more expensive. so now i have a orange to match the purple/pink ones :eek2: its about 3 to 4" across

heres a pic, its kinda blurry but you can see it. Its almost all the way open... in my experience, these shrooms have taken a few days to 'get comfortable' so Ill post a better pic when it opens more. Im also acclimating a few new corals right now so I cant really get close to the shroom to photograph it properly..

there are also some blue/green ones on liveaquaria for 130.00 right now that are very pretty

thats very nice.did it stay orange?my friend has me weary about paying alot cause he said it could change color but i'd love to get one.
well it wasnt really advertised it wasnt supposed to be for sale. So, no it didnt say 'orange' but is a strong orange for sure :)
those are nice! Im actually selling my big orange one because my fiance hates it! lol

It colored up more under the new metal halides I got
