Bubble Tip Help


New member
My bubble tip has been acting strange for about three weeks now (hiding when the lights come on and not inflating like he used to). He wasnt roaming the tank so I just keep up on my water changes extra and was waiting for another change in him before i paniced. Well today i came home from work and he was have way into the water return for the wet/dry but he was more inflated then had been in weeks (seemed happy). I immediately turned off the pump and helped free him from the return and inspected him. He has a slight tear on his base. Will he be okay or is this a serious problem? Hes the pride of my tank and I cant stand the thought of losing him.
That could be a serious problem. A torn foot on an anemone is almost ensuring its death. But not always. Keep up the hope.

BTW, anemones aren't Cephalopods. Wrong forum. :D No biggie