buiying a new tank


New member
Looking to buy a new tank, somthing around 75- 150 3 - 4 feet long, who has the best prices in the area, i stopped by big al's today, the the prices didn't look too appealing, looking to put one MH on it, but if i have to ill put 2.
Anything more than 3' you're going to really want more than one halide, otherwise it'll look like a spotlight effect. Even with a 3' tank, I think you'll get the spotlight unless you use a Luminarc reflector, which spreads the light more evenly over a 3' space I believe.

Check here: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/mar2003/feature.htm

To see which reflector would work best for the setup, and to see the dimensions of light coverage that you should be getting once you do set it up, if you so choose to use one of the reflectors setup.

I know I've got 2x250w in spider light reflectors, but they provide more than enough coverage for all of my corals. So, like everything else in this hobby, to each their own.
yes the lumenarc III are 3x3 I would put on a 4 ft tank 2 lumenarc mini's( or lumenmax)
Beverly's Pets (Pines & University) has a huge selection of tanks in stock, and the best prices I've seen anywhere.