Bulb question


New member
I have a tek t5 light on loan from Del to see how I like it, I have a 55 gallon tank that is 48x18x15 I had coralife pcs on it. I have had the lights running around a month now and really see a difference in my zoas, made the mushrooms mad at first and my true blue are not really blue anymore. I hope that one it gets use to this it will get its color back? My question is there are 6 lights in this system, currently it is actinic 460nm, 10000k, 460, 10000k, 10000k and 460nm. I basically have mostly softies a few gorgonians and around 4 small hard coral frags. Del isnt sure how old the bulbs are and in trying to figure out what I need to replace it with gets really confusing to me. There is alot information that is contradicting. Ive heard anything lower than 10000k will cause bad algae and so on. Im looking for some help to figure out what I need for the optimum growth and what is best for the corals. They are 54w lights by the way. I do like the looks of blue but Ive also read that too much blue can slow down growth. Im totally at a loss on what to do since I have read, read and read only to come up with no real solution. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your response.
this is from some testing done on t-5 lights and found the best ones for the collor and brightness are these
ATI Blue Plus
UVL Super Actinic
you can go with 3 ati blue pluss and split the others two types up
like uvl super 2 of them and one auqa sun .

t-5 lights last two years for the most part actinics last 18 months

UVL Super Actinic R is the most widely used aquarium lamp on the market. 100% blue spectrum. Great addition for T5 reef aquarium lighting applications and coral enhancement.

the uv super actinic white is the aquasun lamp

the ati lamp is also use to give the corals more color
this testing was done by the grim reefer and these t-5 lamps are said to do the best for growing corals and for the color
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