Been Reefin'
Ok I have had my reactor setup on my sps tank for a few days now. I have been testing everyday. Starting out my dKH was 7.4 (2.63 ALK)/Ca at about 350 ppm. So I set the drip rate pretty quickly and yesterday it dkh was at 9.6 so I set it down a little and tonight at 9.0, so I am thinking it is pretty stable there. Well throughout the few days I have been adding kent turbo calcium to get the calcium where I want it, but everyday it reads different: Day 1 it was 350, 2 360, 3 360, then earlier I tested and it was around 300 (maybe I screwed up) then I added some and now at 380. Everyday I have added about a tsp of the turbo calcium.
Well I know I haven't really asked a question, but I guess I am trying to figure out what to do. Do I get the Alk set in stone, and then add the heck out of the calcium to get it around 420? Speed up the effluent to get the ca to stay (won't that raise alk)? Slow it down?
The sps have been looking good, decent pe etc. Color's are good, but want to get this thing dialed in.
Thanks if anyone understands all my bs'n.
Well I know I haven't really asked a question, but I guess I am trying to figure out what to do. Do I get the Alk set in stone, and then add the heck out of the calcium to get it around 420? Speed up the effluent to get the ca to stay (won't that raise alk)? Slow it down?
The sps have been looking good, decent pe etc. Color's are good, but want to get this thing dialed in.
Thanks if anyone understands all my bs'n.