calcium, alk, magnesium additions ?


New member
I've been using Randy's two part. I know this is essentially what the name products are per ingredients. However, today, rather than add his additive, I had some Aragamilk left over. I added that instead and it kept the water 'milkier' than I've ever seen it with Randy's. I'm certainly not knocking him or his solution whatsoever. I'm just curious bc I've had 4 frags over the past couple of weeks bleach out. I had my water tested today. Calcium was 360-- I know that's a little low. Alk was 8. My lighting is the same as that in which the frags came from so I know that's not the problem. The look of the water just made an impact on me bc when I add Randy's it literally disappears as soon as it hits the water.
I would guess that the aragamilk is a stronger solution. Did you have to use less per their directions? Maybe the "left over" sat around long enough that there was evaporation.
I don't know what it is. I have a 90, (with an additonal 30 gallons in a sump that I don't count) so I added 45 drops of aragamilk. I mixed it in a cup of water first. With Randy's, I pour the equivalent of a shot glass of both the calcium (dow flake) and alkalinity (baking soda). When the gallon of each is finished, I add 2.5 cups of magnesium (epsom salt). When I compared the ingredients of Randy's stock to the Aragamilk, I did notice that the Aragmilk's solution did contain higher ppm's than Randy's. Could that be it?
Yes, the higher ppm would be it.

I use Randy's 2 part also. I add the soda part thru my auto top off so my ALK stays very steady. I dose CA nightly. I don't pre-mix the CA part. I just determine thru Randy's calculator how many TSP I need and mix that in a little water.

I would think a shot glass of your CA part is not enough and ya probably need to add more. HTH
What is the main ingredient in aragamilk? You might want to read this article.

FWIW I am not even a heavy ca/alk user yet I'll use about 2-3 dKh and the associated calcium per day. Depending on system volume you can plug that in the calculator for your tank and see how much you use in comparison to a middle of the road tank.
Did you read that article about it not being soluble in your tank water? There's your answer.