calcium...and PH buffer, help anyone


New member
Hey guys so i had my water tested today and all params were where they should be except for PH and calcium.

the only supplements i put in my tank are B-ionic 2 part and thats it.
I heard the 2 part effects your PH in some way, any truth to that?

My PH tested at 8.0 and my calcium tested at 340 i was told. I do have a jar of Seachem PH buffer, but am wondering how i should dose it and if there is a possibility of overdosing??? especially since i dont have test kits, or money to buy them any time soon. (i know i know, i need to buy them ASAP) Should i use the buffer on a daily basis, every other day looking for some help guys..

My calcium tested at 340 which i've heard is low, If as of now all i dose is one capful of part A and one capful of part B, every other day, and i INCREASE the dosings to everyday or double up, could there be some ill effects?

the guy at the store was trying to get me to buy "Tropic Marin: BIO-Calcium" and "Tropic Marin Bio Magnesium" in place of my 2part, stating that those two products have EVERYTHING i need for my reef, and thats a bold statement to make,

Id like to hear your thoughts on this...

thanks so much guys
illal: is there any risk to like "burning the corals" or something negative with dosing the two part?

Reef: im using the LFS, i already said i dont have my own test kits, nor the money to buy them anytime soon.
burning corals, definately if your numbers are too high. test test test. till you find exactly how much you need to dose daily, and test periodically bcuz your tank will use more as your corals grow.
On a 90 I used 1 cup of B-Ionic daily but had to add seachem buffer and calcium once a week to keep my parameters at optimum, that was the method that worked best for my system. Dose daily a little more than 1/2 a cup for a couple of days, see if your LFS can test for you and increase in small amounts until you see the results you want.
sounds good, FISH2reef, a question with the seachem buffer... it says on the jar that it SAFELY raises and maintains PH to 8.3, so if i were to add more than needed, it wouldnt effect the tank right?
How long was your sample in the container before it was tested? The only thing that will change when it is held is pH. Because it depends on air conditions etc. As the Co2 comes out of the water the pH changes. You need to buy a pH test first. You should be able to get these cheap test strips at HD or some store that sells pool supplies. Try dosing 50% more than you were and testing after that. 340 ppm calcium is not overly low. I keep mine around 380 ppm. There are many reefs in the world that are lower than that.

And then save the money for test kits asap.

You need;
dont use that buffer if you dont have to, 7.8-8.5 is safe, obviously with 8.0-8.3 being optimal. At night my ph drops to 7.8 but I started topping off with kalk so my water stays a little higher.
You haven't mentioned if you tested your alk. If your alk is not in sync with your calcium, you are going to have problems raising your calcium and PH. I would buy an alk test and see where you stand and then tackle your calcium. You should test for alk, calcium, magnesium and strontium.

Also B-ionic is used to maintain you calcium and alkalinity. and not to raise it. Thats why some use limewater instead of dosing everyday with B-ionic.
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i never realized it could be so confusing,....
ok, what should i dose that will require the least amount of work/time spent.

i just want my tank to be as simplified as possible...

whats the difference between kalk, limewater, 2part dosing or whatever else that is out there that needs to be put in my tank.
If you want to raise calcium, use Seachem Reef Complete and use Seachem Reef Carbonate to raise alkalinity. Reef Complete will also add magnesium and strontium at the same time.

This link will tell you how much to add to your tank to get to the levels you want:

Then after you get your levels to where you want, add B-ionic to keep the levels steady. Limewater (kalkwasser) can also be used to replace evaporated water. Both will do the same but it is up to you to find out what is better for you.