Calcium Question


New member
I'm trying to maintain my calcium, however, I am not having successful readings on my test kits.

Tank Backround

29 gal tank
20 long sump
NW 150 octupus skimmer
I run phostphate reactor with carbon
30 lbs of rock
no fish
snails and crabs
250 watt aqua medic light

Tesk Kits
I bought generic test kits, they suck.
So I borrowed Salifert Test kits and I have some order and on the way.

So Salifert test add the purple chemical, then the solution and swirl. The color of the water is now purple. You take the 1mL syringe and add a drop at a time until you notice a change. Well, I never notice a change.

I use the two part ESV Bionic solution to maintain my alk and calcium, alk level is at 2.9, and I can't seem to figure out the calcium.

What should I do? Do I not have calcium? I do a weekly water change of 5 gals, I dose every night. I decided to purchase calcium you think that will help? How much should I put in?

Thanks for the help!
Yeah, that sounds like what is going on. Are you sure your alk is 2.9meq? Did you measure with a Salifert test kit? I'd stop dosing the calcium part and let it fall on its own. Continue to dose the alkalinity part. Once the target levels have been met, use the calculator to find the proper daily dosing amount.

Use this calculator to help with dosing:
Reef chemicals calculator