Calcium too high...

do u use a Ca reactor? what brand salt? what test kit are u using? do u supplement w/ some kind of Ca supplement?
I so supplement. I use Kent Calcium liquid. I rarely add it though. I added it more than 5 days ago. I actually don't even add as much as is recommended. The test kit is Aquarium Pharmaceuticals.
I also use Aquarium Pharmaceuticals calcium test kit. I think they might read a little bit higher than what it is. I would get another calcium test kit (like Salifert) to compare your results. But for right now stop adding the calcium and do a water change to help bring it down. What is your alk at?
Your Calcium is probably a little higher than that. My AP test was 40 ppm lower then the Salifert. Let me guess. You use Oceanic salt right?