call for "votes" for creating a marine plant tank mailing list


New member
There's been discussion of marine
plant tanks on APD lately [1] and I'm
wondering about the need for a marine
plant tank maling list. That resulted in
my posting the follow to APD:

If you'd like to subscribe to a marine plant
tank discussion mailing list, please send me
(and only me) an quick email. If I get
enough responses, I'll create the list.
(If you have an opinion about the definition
of "enough response", let me know! =:)

Oh, I just noticed that this forum can be, in
effect, a mailing list! Would a marine plant
tank mailing list "overlap" too much with
this forum??

- - -
Hi Steve,


Why not just post whatever you want to send in a mailing list here on RC? It would probably be a lot more convienant for all involved. Just my $.02.
