Call me crazy!


New member
Ok, I've been in the hobby for quite sometime but as far as SPS go I'm pretty much a rookie so this question may sound dumb to some of you experts! What exactlly is RTN, STN, and RSTN? It doesn't sound good whatever it is! So far all my SPS are growing like crazy and look great, but I want to know how to spot this and stop it before it's too late if it ever does occur in my tank!


OK, you're crazy. :D

RTN is rapid tissue necrosis. I've heard that it starts from the top but the only time I've run across it I was too late and the whole thing was just peeling off the skeleton. You'll know it when you see it. Hopefully you won't.

STN is slow tissue necrosis. Looks similar and starts from the base IME and if you grab the coral and frag off some spots away from the tissue that is peeling off you can save some frags.

RSTN?? Really slow tissue necrosis??

Many theories I've read on causes. Everything from possible viral and/or bacterial cause, stress, etc. I'm not sure there is a definitive and agreed upon cause.
Agree there probably isn't one cause. But IMO one of the biggest is alk swings. Actually big swings in anything; temp, alk, PO4, SG. But alk is probably the biggest.