Can anyone ID this stuff?

This post should have appeared first. Hasanyone has seen this stuff before? It's a filamentous, thread-like, white substance that appears to be a not-very-nice algae that is covering a lot of my rock and macroalgaes.
top-left in the pictures?

Sure it's not worms of some kind or roots off a runner (not trying to be a smart-***... just not sure where I'm looking and certainly haven't been involved long enough to have seen everything before... I am intruiged).
Yes ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Â top left. I don't think it's worms since I've seen no movement of any kind. They are stand-alone fibers and not runners for anything. I have also seen it on the glass between powerhead and side glass...where the 2 are almost touching. Someone on another site thinks it might be some kind of sponge???