Can I have a Ricrodea Florida in a seahorse tank?


New member
Is this possible? The lighting is sufficient, but the flow in the tank is only the powerfilter and the skimmer.

I will be buying some Florida Ricordea and want to know of theri requirements.

These are the ones I am getting:

Blue Ricordea Polyp
Lime Green Ricordea
Orange Ricordea

How big do these guys get in diameter? I just want to keep one in my seahorse tank and the others with my reef.
How long does it take for them to split into two different ricordeas? Are they faster than Xenia? I was wondering this so I can moreless know how many to buy. If they divide pretty fast, than I should get fewer and pay $$$ less.

I have several Ricordea in my 54g Seahorse tank. Some Rics will split fairly quickly (a few months) and some never I take a razor to them... to help them along. ;)

If you belong to a local reef club, try to get in on a Ricordea Group Buy. Our local LFS's want anywhere from $39.99 to $79.99 at times for a single. In our group buy, we purchased amazing rics... for $12 a pop!

Good luck!
