Can i save coral after alk/cal spike


New member
About 3 weeks ago I noticed my calc had dropped big time, from 420 to 250.... I had slacked on checking the calc and alk so not sure how fast it happened (I have a doser that doses through the day and night). I started to bump up the calc doses for a few days then realized my alk had went from 7.7 to 9dkh.... I started to mess with the calc and alk doses for a few days to try to get it back in order and is now back where it needs to be... its 440 for calc and 8dkh for alk so close to before. With this though I had several corals lose color, have 1 acro that is bleaching in the middle, a monti plate that is bleaching and a Hollywood stunner chalice that is receding/bleaching super fast (might lose this one). Is there anything I can do to help/save them? Will fragging them back help???
like blasterman said best thing to do is just watch your params and keep them in check and only time will tell. rushing anything in this hobby will = death. I know it sucks not fixing something right away but that's the way this hobby is, nothing good is fast in this hobby
as for the acro and montis that bleached I will let them be, the Hollywood stunner though must be doing what you call going necro. it is losing flesh and leaving the white skeleton behind fast. there is barley any flesh left. I think I need to try to frag it to try to save something.