Can someone identify this acro crab?


Premium Member
It seems to be picking at the polyps but I was told it was safe. Can anyone identify this crab and give information as to whether it is safe for SPS corals or not? It lives in my SPS corals 100% of the time.


Very hard to tell from the picture what type of crab this is. Is the critter fuzzy? Are the tips of it's claws pointed or blunt?

It looks a bit like a gorilla crab to me, but again, it's hard to tell without a better photo.
He is definitely fuzzy. As far as the claws then its hard for me to distinguish between what is a blunt claw verus a pointed claw. Sorry the picture is not better.
I can ID him....

his name is Freddy......saw him just the other day hangin out at the bar....i dont like him ....if i was you i would crush him with a rolling pin
i dont know the name, someone else can help you there ....but i do know its not a good one. it will eat your acro slowly from the interior branches out. I have had a couple come in on acros and i got them out by removing the coral from the water and using a thin stick to chase him off the branches.
Ok thank you everyone for pointing him out as a bad guy. I suspected myself but it happens to be my girlfriends favorite critter in the tank so now all I got to do is convince her he's a bad boy!

No need to kill it, throw him/her into a sump or give him to someone with a sump or a FOWLR sys. That way you can save face with the GF.