can you ID these mushrooms and did i get a good deal?

Ok i have aquired some mushrooms from a petstore that's about 45 minutes away, the employees have no clue about saltwater. I wanted to buy some live rock and one girl said "can i touch it or will it bite me" no joke. Anyway they have real descent prices on corals so i've bought a few and want to make sure i've got a good deal plus want and ID also.

First pic, I think is a ricordia, it's about the size of a baseball when fully opened, never seen one this big. Got it for $29.99



ok this pic was just bought yesterday and had lots of green when i bought it but seems to look kinda brown with green tips now??
I paid $29.99 for the rock



and this one was called a super purple ric that cost me $60 and yes i know i got screwed on this one, but it was a "rare" find and I impulsed this one totally



and this rock had green stripped mushrooms when i bought it for $29.99 but after a few months they fell off and moved to a different spot and i found these guys popping up.

1st 2 pics are rhodactis mushrooms "green hairy mushrooms"
2nd 2 pics, the brown ones. Can't be sure what those are, though they do look like hairy shrooms that have been in LOW light.
3rd 2 pics, BLEACHED (not rare) either ric or yuma.
Last pic, really pretty ric or yuma.

I have a hard time telling the diff between a ricordea and a yuma, but I "think" yours are yumas, not rics.

HTH, good luck and Happy Reefing,
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7809744#post7809744 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mrs.kbmdale

3rd 2 pics, BLEACHED (not rare) either ric or yuma.
Last pic, really pretty ric or yuma.

what do you mean by bleached?
first are hairy shrooms(super aggressive) .. no idea on the second set... third is a yuma and it does look to be bleaching in the second pic of it... fourth look more like little mini carpet anemones... if you do a search you should find pics of the mini carpets
Bleached/Bleaching means either too much light (usually due to MH and lack of acclimating to new light) or too little light. In your case, considering you JUST got them from your LFS, it is probably because of too little light. I would leave them wherever you have them (assuming they are mid to low in the tank) and see what happens over the next week or two. Then raise them a bit when they start opening wider and coloring up a bit more. See how they do there for a couple of weeks, then if necessary (which with your lighting probably won't be necessary) move them up a couple of inches again.

Good Luck and Happy Reefing,
1. rhodactis sp.
2. rhodactis sp.
3. ricordea yuma
4. actinodiscus sp. they look like a color morph of watermelon mushrooms
you got a decent deal on all the shrooms. yumas can get quite pricey so $60 isn't that much for one. the only one I would worry about not getting enough light is the yuma.
I belive the 6th pic is just washed out from the flash. The 5th pic is just how mine looked 6 months ago

well i got my aquapod stand today and will be setting up the 24G aquapod (2x32W PC) so hopefully that should be enough for them.
I "personally" don't think 2.7 watts per gallon of pc lighting is good enough.... I think most likely with this lighting, the color will fade, turn more brownish, and they probably won't spread/grow too much. I would add at "least" another 32w pc bulb, which would give you exactly 4wpg, which would suffice for awhile.

Just my "personal" opinion and advice, take it as you will.

Good Luck, and Happy Reefing!
I am running about 4.5wpg (29g with 65x2 lighting) should this be fine for mushrooms and zoos? Or should I add another light?
CraigG, I'm assuming you've got pc lighting, cuse that's what I was referring to in my last post. With 4.5 wpg, you should be fine with just shrooms and zoas. Just keep an eye on them, if they start loosing color, or are not reproducing very well, then you will want to add another bulb. Keep in mind you also need to change out the bulbs every year. Again, this is just "my personal" observation, knowledge, and advise. Take it as you will.

Good Luck and Happy Reefing!
well on the aquapod, i don't think that's a fair bid on the lights. First the aquapod has a built in overflow that takes up quite a bit of room which receives no light also I have a DSB 6" (I started setting it up now) in there and by the time you take the 6" DSB and overflow i'm thinking more on the lines of 18G plus I heard the AquaPods weren't quite 24G anyway. So i'm thinking 3.5 WPG to be fair. I thought mushrooms didn't like a lot of light and ppl had to keep them in the shade with strong lit tanks????
Thanks so much for the info Brianna!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7839417#post7839417 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pufferpoison
well on the aquapod, i don't think that's a fair bid on the lights. First the aquapod has a built in overflow that takes up quite a bit of room which receives no light also I have a DSB 6" (I started setting it up now) in there and by the time you take the 6" DSB and overflow i'm thinking more on the lines of 18G plus I heard the AquaPods weren't quite 24G anyway. So i'm thinking 3.5 WPG to be fair. I thought mushrooms didn't like a lot of light and ppl had to keep them in the shade with strong lit tanks????

I think by strong lighting they are refering too MH's and the like. There are people who run 250w MH WITH PC Actinics. You are talking nearly 14+ wpg!