Can someone tell me if my candy cane is dying? You can see it's breaking apart in the pic and it doesn't really "open" up anymore. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks.
Can someone tell me if my candy cane is dying? You can see it's breaking apart in the pic and it doesn't really "open" up anymore. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks.
It has good flesh coverage, is inflated, and has it's feeders out. It looks good to me.
The worn away skeleton could be from where another branch was broken off, rock fell on it... in any case it is not the live part. I have noticed that this coral creates a very hollow/brittle skeleton.
+1 Looks good to me. The feeders out is a good sign. My candy cane suffered erosion on the skeleton also, so I fragged it up and glued the frags to a rock. They look great now and are growing like crazy.
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