Canon PowerShot S95


New member
Working on trying to actually use this camera in something other than 'auto'.

I understand it shoots in RAW, but I can't find that on the menu. Anyone know where I should be looking? Be gentle, I'm a camera dunce. :D
Mine is a S90, but try turning dial to "M" push "FUNC SET" button and arrow down to bottom and scroll across to "RAW", push" FUNC SET" and should be good to go.
Thanks! Of course now my computer doesn't recognize the images.

I think I am photographically cursed. People take better cell phone pics than I can with this camera. It's so alien to me - my eyes see the tank, it's right there in front of me; why can't the camera see it???

Well here's the fruit of an afternoon's labor. Wow do I suck at this.

What software are you using to edit your pictures? If you use Adobe Photoshop, make sure to download the Camera RAW update, or maybe it's called Adobe RAW update for it, it will allow Photoshop to open the CR2 files.
What software are you using to edit your pictures? If you use Adobe Photoshop, make sure to download the Camera RAW update, or maybe it's called Adobe RAW update for it, it will allow Photoshop to open the CR2 files.

I just use XNview. I'm a little too broke and WAY too dumb for Photoshop.

I figured out how to get XNview to open them.
There is a lot you can learn with that camera. Try setting to macro and get some close ups, like the clam in there.

Macro is one thing it does well effortlessly. Even hand-holding the camera on full 'auto' it can do pretty darn well. Depth of field is a little limited though.

Full tank shots are what's totally eluding me. :)
Beautiful tank, BTW. Love the scape.
I suck at taking FTS's, too. Only, I just gave up. Perhaps it's easy, but my brain just couldn't understand it. I went back to taking pictures of the mountains and flowers.