Carpet surfing survivor! What to do?


Active member
I woke up this morning after finally transferring a snow flake moray eel to a preventative qt tank. It was in a tank when a sick and diseased fish died and it was recommended I kept it in a fishless system for a while. As you can tell from the title I found it on the floor. It wasn't moving or breathing at all and didn't move when I first started to try to pick it up.(behind a cabinet with my glove. As I finally got a grip on it and started to slide it it moved.

I put it back in the tank, put a better lid on it and it is alive. What should I do now? Should I keep the tank at normal conditions? Lower temp? I am definitely leaving the lights off for a while. Perhaps put some kind of stress coat in there?(is there a type that is safe for this type of eel?)

Sorry I didn't see this in the morning, but *usually* to help them breathe better I hold them infront of the powerhead so it blows into their face gill/s etc. And helps them start breathing again and generally get them going. I do it at work all the time like when I fish jumped and has been out for close to an hour and is all hard and barely breathing. Most of the time they spring back after being held infront of the powerhead for a minute, and over the course of the day they start to get better. Course you lose some too, nothing you can do about it.

So obviously its a bit late to do that. And I don't know any advice, I only hope that it gets better for you!
Jon, that eel did the same for me twice. Each time, I put him back in the water, and he was fine. He'll probabaly be OK, tough little bugger.


PS- shoulda warned you about his escapes, sorry.
lol that's ok Joe. And so far it seems to be doing fine. RBTA I greatly appreciate this advice and will remember it in the future. I really didn't expect it to be able to jump strait up a couple of inches through egg create.

The net seems to be down at my house. I suppose it would be silly to ask if anyone else has lost the net.