Check out reef raft live sale


New member
I'm not affiliated with these guys, just wanted to let you all know about their live sale. I got some sweet frags last time and they have sweet deals.

Hopefully I don't get a sanction for this, just wanted to let you all know.
I am not able to look at the corals. Do you have to purchase a module first before you can access the corals for sale?
It's a live sale that starts at 9:00. They are based out of Cali. There's another forum they are a sponsor of I'm not allowed to say here. I would suggest to google reef raft live sale.

Last time I got a convict chalice for $20 among other acros, zoas etc.
They should model their sale after dare I say RareReef at least you can see the corals before purchasing anything my 2 cents
It's a live sale that starts at 9:00. They are based out of Cali. There's another forum they are a sponsor of I'm not allowed to say here. I would suggest to google reef raft live sale.

Last time I got a convict chalice for $20 among other acros, zoas etc.

Did you have to buy a module before being able to see the corals?
I think that is just shipping, until the sale is live there wont be anything added. Im not sure that you have to pay to bid, but IDK

Thanks OP for the heads up on this!
I bought the shipping module as I got a free $25 credit. They will start posting corals on their site around 9pm and it will go for 24hours. They will list new corals maybe every 5 minutes. Corals from 1,5,10 etc. some a few hundred.

I would suggest to at least check it out and maybe get in on it next time.
Once the sale is live you can see the corals, you do not have to buy the shipping module to see anything. To buy: you need to be fast, with some of these deals they go in 10 seconds. You have to add it to your cart pay and then pay for it through PayPal.
They have some sweet coral huh??? Usually the last hour they go crazy with deals and packages.