chicken or egg, now I am a tad nervous


I had the post ill millies on here and seemingly ruled that the crabs were the culprit. Well now I am not sure. The pink milli that was showing poor PE had small signs of tissue loss that I had blamed on the crab. well today there was a lot more loss and a small amount of mucus of sorts on the whitened parts near the base. I decided to suck some of it out and have a look. What I found has me worried. in the baster sized amount of water I found what appear to be thousands of very very small free swimming pod like creatures. they are about a fraction of a millimeter wide and about less than half a millimeter long. they look like this l basically. they are free swimming and appear more like pods than worms to me. They are to small to get a pic with my camera.they are extreemly small. I had to use a gem magnifying glass to really see them. I took samples from other areas in the tank and only found them on the areas where there was tissue loss. the million dollar question. Is this the cause of the tissue loss as opposed to the crabs as I had suspected,or hopefully a tiny pod that prefers to live in and dine on dying acro tissue? man that sounds like a desperate question. Anyone have anything like this? All other corals in the tank look ok and showed no signs of this creature on or around them.
I put a drop of lugols in a dish with thousands of them and it killed them instantly. Not sure if that helps but any info would be appreciated. whatever they are it dosen't seem good.
Sounds like Acro Eating Flat Worms (AEFW) to me.....Could be red bugs as well, though they dont typically cause tissue loss, just less PE.
my friend told me he has the same thing eating dieing acro tissue never seen anything like it, does not sound good

man. not the answers I was hoping for. they are definantly not red bugs. I siphoned out a half gallon directly off of the milli and there are thousands upon thousands of them in the bucket. I am officially disheartened.
It's tough, because the organism's you'll find on a dying coral are found on the healthy ones as well.

IMO if a coral is healthy enough it can fend off most of these thing's naturally, but just like us when our system is weakened, everyday stresses can become serious problem's.
I guess that's really my question. This coral was bumped and fragged about two weeks ago and from that point it never showed signs of healing. the PE at the base was bad and in another thread Istated that I believed it to be the crabs. While these critters don't look like the AEFW pics I have seen, is it possible that this organism preys on unhealthy acros? in this case they attacked the stub where it was fragged. causing the coral not to heal and it went downhill from there. I can only hope that this is something like this. I have dealt with red bugs and have had to do the fishless thing because of ick. it wasn't fun but I got through it. But right now I am terrified of AEFW. also they would have had to be in there dormant for some time if that's possible because I haven't added anything in a while. My last two corals that were put in the same time, both acros show no signs of the worm. the affected coral has been in there almost a year.
Yea thanks Chad. I have recently been posting some observations in that thread. And yes I think I may have those smaller ones. "sigh"