chiller for sale

might help if you posted a location ... is this local to us? are you shipping?

Which chiller is it? Model number?
Drop-In, Tower or Modular ?
You do realize that Foster & smith sells these brand new for $559, right? And if you do ship, make sure you insure it for FULL replacement value ... the compressors in the chillers tend to not ship well.

Good Luck.
**not trying to wreck your FS thread ... just FYI about the price ... You'd be better off selling it local if you can .. I've had to many issues, and heard of too many horror stories of shipping chillers.**
that is ok foster and smith allways tries to sell stuff really cheap and if that was the case there would be no other stores needed. Itried to order some things from them that where cheaper than everwhere else and well they where out of stock! So sometimes cheap is not allways the best . WithF&S you do not get the tubing or pump!
If price is your main concern in this hobby, than you have to reevaluate your self a little... This is a rich mans hobby.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13175099#post13175099 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scaryperson27
If price is your main concern in this hobby, than you have to reevaluate your self a little... This is a rich mans hobby.

SHHHH ... thats a secret ... you weren't supposed to tell him!
if things start looking nasty, my family and I are going to board up, from the floor up.

Right now we have 2 adult bulldogs along with 7 babies, so if things get bad, we will defiantly head for greener pastures.

how about you?
oh geezzz ... "GOT DOGS?".
We're staying out ... I'm in the park (san carlos park) ... i know for sure i'll loose power if the storm even hit tampa ... so thats pretty much a given. We stocked up on water/canned goods, i'll be picking up another gas bottle tomorrow for the grill ... and fill up the gas cans. 20 gallons in gas cans, and another 30-35 gallons in the cars ... + filling up the generator should get us a few days of runtime.

Lets hope for the best.

I posted the projected path up on ... it will always be the latest path .. the image auto updates.

I grabbed 18 gallons of 89 octane gas (it's all they had left), filled up two v8 tundras, and a v6 camry!

We just recently got a generator. It's 5500 watts.

Luckily I haven't set up my new tank yet!! Maybe there will be some juicy picks in the used equipment forum after the storm ;)
great .. "thats all they had left" ... i'll hit up the racetrack on college/south point tomorrow .. if they have anything left ... they were down to $3.59 for unleaded when i drove by around 9pm.