Chiller help


New member
Need some chiller help. All of a sudden it is starting to run irregularly. It is keeping water at correct temp but not sure whet is going on.
Will come on for 10 seconds and then shut off one time then it will come on for 1 minute or so another time. Tubing is clean and just cleaned a lot of dust.
May it need a Freon boost?
Where do I take it fir repair?
Maybe it's the controller? Is it an integrated controller? I know there's some knowledgeable people about chillers in this group...
it is a JBJ 1/3 chiller. flow rate should be good as all tubes are clean. it runs and is regulating the temperature correctly.
Is the output of the chiller in the sump. I have seen chiller cycle on/off rapidly when the out put is in the sump, thus lowering the temp of the sump water quickly causing the chiller to shut off, but then the new water in the sump rapidly brings the temp back up again.