chiller question (please help)


New member
i am about to order a jbj 1/10 chiller my question is.. i am going to place the chiller on the outside of the stand on the side of the tank . it will have plenty of space in the front of the chiller (open to the living room) however the back or exhaust of the chiller will only be 3 inches from the wall .. they say you want at least 1 foot behind the chiller for the exhaust , will 3 inches be enough . there is no place else i can place the chiller and the tank needs it . thanks .
Never used a JBJ but IMO it needs to be father away than 3 inches. The unit can't cool itself enough with poor air flow. You can probably get away with a little less than 12 inches but you need more than 3.
Any way to direct a small fan (even a clip on type) at the back of the chiller to help dissipate the heat ? If so, I'm sure you will be fine.
I have the jbj 1/10. Put on the side but turn the other direction so it blows outward. Not a good look but does the trick.