Chromis Dispperaing


New member
So I going on 3 to 4 weeks or so now with some blur green Chromis I bought. Originally bought 5 spent week or so in the QT saw nothing decided to put them Display over the following week or so 1 by 1 keep dispersing to a total of 2 know. Whats up with that? No sign of anything in the tank no other fish seem sick. Water param are normal 0 nitrate, 0 Phosphate, 1.26 salinity and 77 ish temp.

Any thoughts?
It would be nice to know. I wanted to get 5-6 also, but if they kill one another off, I'll buy 25 of them to end up with 5 in the end lol.
Chromis always kill eachother off until there is only 1 left.
I wish mine would. I got 7 about a year ago thinking it would be cool and wanted a fish that swam around the upper part of the tank. I found them to be not so much fun to watch trying to relax while they all dash around like crazed lunatics. Not only do I still have those seven but somehow now have 9. I have no idea where the other two came from. They do tend to stay grouped together.

It would be nice to know. I wanted to get 5-6 also, but if they kill one another off, I'll buy 25 of them to end up with 5 in the end lol.
I feed a lot of meaty foods. About the only thing I can think of that helps. And a bigger tank with bigger fish to help keep them round up.
I started with 5 or 6 about 5 years back. Seems was quickly down to one but it's still with me. When there was a group, never did school.
I wish mine would. I got 7 about a year ago thinking it would be cool and wanted a fish that swam around the upper part of the tank. I found them to be not so much fun to watch trying to relax while they all dash around like crazed lunatics. Not only do I still have those seven but somehow now have 9. I have no idea where the other two came from. They do tend to stay grouped together.

Maybe someone pranked you and put 2 more in when you weren't looking lol.

Anyways, I had 4 in my tank and now only 3. The one that disappeared was smaller than the other one. I think they tend to get along better when they're the same size and can't really beat each other.
I've gotten a handful a couple times, granted I don't have a big enough tank for them to school, but they have always dwendled down to one.
I don't believe the strongest of the group would whack others that fast. I suspect a parasite. I would closely watch the remaining fish and try to find any one that disappears to find the cause of death. Uronema marinum is common with Chromis and once in your system it's nearly impossible to remove without doing a complete reset. It's an oppotunistic parasite that will eat bacteria or a weak fish, so going fallow does nothing. 1 week in qt may as well have been straight from the ocean or worse straight from the fish store's fish run.

Hopefully that's not the case here, but it is a possibility.