Clam newbie ? - Derasa or Squamosa under PCs..


Premium Member
Hi all,

I have a 20 gallon tank with a 65 watt 50/50 Customsealife fixture.

I'm confused with conflicting reports of lighting for certain clams.
Is my lighting sufficient for a Derasa or Squamosa clam? I would LOVE to have one in my tank, but want to be sure I can properly care for one.

If this lighting is fine for one of the clams, would it be fine on the sandbed, or higher up close to the light on a rock?

Thanks for helping out a clam newbie!

The Squamosa clam should be fine under that lighting when he is still a baby but hwen he is larger he will need better lighting
I'm not looking for a baby to get rid of. You don't think any clam would live a healthy life for at least a few years under that light? (My tank situation is probably not going to change for 3 or maybe 4 years, then I will hopefully own my own house, larger tank, etc...)