Clarkii Clowns?


New member
I just bought 2 clarkii clowns. My tank is about month 1/2 old now, and these are my first 2 fish. They are currently in quatantine at the pet store until Monday. All my parameters are w/i noraml reason.
nitrate spiked to 60 today, doing a water change tomorrow.
calcium 450
ph is 8.0 so far, im slowly trying to raise it.

What should I expect of these lil guys? Are they aggresive clowns? are they a good choice for a future sps tank?
I also had the store feed them before I purchased, and they readily scarfed down flake food.
also my tank is a 55 gallon with 65 lbs LR.
These are great fish. They might become a little aggressive when they mature. I don't know what kind of lighting you have but you might want to consider getting them a host anenome.
I keep mine in a 20 long with a purple firefish and a yellow clown goby. He's too busy with his anenome to even notice the others. Here's a pic:

I have a pair that I proudly paired myself. Bought them as juvie males and they started to pair in QT. Anyhow, great fish - so much personality and host very easily in an anenome. Yea, they are a bit belligerent but not too bad. They do defend their territory with a vengeance but only against certain fish. I have a yellow tang, flame angel, coral beauty, juvie emperor, yellow watchman, diamond goby and a green chromis and the clowns only ever dart at the chromis for some reason. The other fish are allowed near the anenome. The male clarkii used to terrorise the yellow watchman something terrible. I saw the clarkii chomping down on his head many a time but the YWG soon wised up and stayed clear but now even that agreesion has passed.

Basically, choose your fish well and you can have a very compatible tank. Fish will always fight a little bit but that's normally just when you introduce new tankmates and the pecking order has to be established.

A friend of mine just got a pair of clarkiis that are holy terrors and will bite the snot out of him. He's been having to put his hands in the tank to kill aiptasia and it's funny as heck to watch a 6'3" 250 pound former college football player / martial artist jump like a little girl when one of those fish go for him. That being said, I had a pair of maroon clowns that were some of the nicest gentle fish you could have and they are supposed to the meanies of the clown world. It's really kind of a crap shoot as to how any certain fish is going to behave, although there are tendencies in species that can be a rough guideline.
My female Clarkii goes for me when I put my hands in the tank. She attacked my hands or the rock I was holding when aquascaping and same again today when I was placing corals. Makes me jump but it's more of a reaction. Anything that nips at you and you can't see what it is makes you jump instinctively.
I have dual 175 MH retro fit, with 2 48 in vho actinics. These are my first fish ever in SW. Im getting them as 2 juvis, so im hoping they'll pair up later on. If they do good for the first month, ill go ahead and get them a BTA.