Clean Up Crew ..for a a 300..

Newly cycled 300 ....should i do the 1 per gallon

Not a good idea. Figure out what you want from a clean up crew and then ask yourself what kind of fish you are going to have, as certain fish eat certain clean up crews;)

Better to ramp up slowly with the clean up crew or they will just starve to death from lack of available food sources (algae, detritus, extra fish food). You can always add more down the road.

Also, do you want critters that will reproduce in your tank? If so, think strombus grazers, stomatella varia, bristleworms, amphipods, copepods. Just remember, your fish selections might clean up your clean up crew:D
When I started my 240 I purchased a crabless Crew for a 55 gallon. It's been 5 months and still have not added anymore.