Clean Up Crew Question


New member
Let me start with the main issue, I have wrasse's, eels, lion fish, angler, and some former herbivore fish that seem to have broken the "fish are friends not food" oath.

That being said, my starter hermits have dwindled to those who understand that lights out is party time but you better get back to the rocks by sunrise (I've seen em out in the middle of the night). I tried throwing in a bunch of new ones to hopefully keep a percentage for night time clean up but that lasted all of 10 minutes... I even swatted away the fish and buried the nassarius snails manually... the shell grave yard was sad...

Anyway, it wasn't until recently that a bored wrassehole removed a leg from my serpent star (left him alone after that) and my paddle brittle star is still wandering around. Also have a tiger tail cucumber that appears every month or so and seems to have grown.

I had some conch's and cleaner clams but I haven't seen them in a long time. I think I may have added to many conch's to the tank and they starved. They had no issues with the residents though.

Anyone know of any CUC dudes/dudetes that would be primarily nocturnal and focus on cleaning the sand (detritus, algae, and maybe a little red slime)?

I was looking for a queen conch for the slime but I'm open to suggestions. Thanks!
i would try to find some sort substrate sifting fish (like a full grown diamond goby which is about 6 in long) that is big enough to not get eaten as it will turn over the substrate and eat detritus in the sand. any crustacean is a no go with eels as they will eventually be eaten.

thats currently all i can think of.
Manual labor?

Don't ever forget that YOU are the best CUC member that tank will ever see. GL.

Agreed. I fired my crew, hired a toothbrush, and compensate with perfect water.
CUC is great biodiversity, lousy janitors....