clear shroom


New member
One of my red shroom's stem is clear. is that bad? the shroom looks fine and opens up all day. all my other shrooms look fine.
why would it be doing that?
One of my smaller striped mushrooms is mostly clear through and through. However it is shaded by its fellows. It opens up though, so I think it's pretty okay.

And yeah I realize that I didn't answer your question... If the shroom is opening and closing like normal, and it's getting enough light, I wouldn't be too concerned. If it stays closed, then I'd worry.
I think that when this happens it is a form of bleaching. I have several in my tank that have gone clear, whitish and they all seem to grow in areas that don't get light. So I am just assuming that because there isnt light for the algae to thrive it doesn't, and then the mushroom just lives on alternate food for life.