Clearwater CW-50 Algae Scrubber


New member
I bought my Clearwater CW-50 just over a year ago but I can't seem to get it to grow algae. Originally, I had issues with algae growing on the drip tube.

I contacted Josh and he sent me the tube cover which has helped slow down the algae from growing on the tubes.

.....even after a year of tinkering with my CW-50 - adjust the flow rates, tried notching the mesh to increase the flow, seeded mesh with algae from the tube as well as hair algae from the main tank.

The algae growth in the CW-50 has been fact the hair algae does not grow. Unfortunately, the algae continues to thrive in my 45 gallon display tank.

I'm using a Sicce Syncra 1.5 to run my CW-50.

Anyone else experiencing the issues I'm having? Suggestions on setting it up?

Any information would be helpful. Thank you and stay safe!
I have cw-200 and run it 24/7, and I clean the mesh about every 3 weeks. Initially, it was really effective as there is still have growth in the main tank. Growth rate is slowed. Added chestnut snails which ate a lot of of it.

I'm also running my CW-50 24/7 as well for the past year. I've tried almost everything except the 'right' thing for it to grow algae for me to clean.

Originally, the algae was growing really well by the drip tube where the mesh into which results in the tube clogging up. Josh shipped me the mod - mesh clips and tube cover which I've installed. The mod has helped reduce the algae growth on the drip tube but the algae continues to grow at the ends which results in the algae creeping down the tube.

For your setup, do you have the mesh installed so the first couple of rows are inside the drip tube or hanging from the clips just below the drip tube?

I have mine setup with the first 2 rows of squares inside the drip tub. I have also cut V notches every 1/2" to increase the flow onto the mesh. The V notches has not helped.

I've 'seeded' the mesh as per Josh's recommendations with algae harvested from the drip tube as well as hair algae from my main tank. The algae eventually dies and falls off the mesh as with the hair algae but later.

I've powering my CW50 with a Sicce Syncra Silent 1.5 pump. Recommended flow is 150 GPH but I have adjusted the follow with a TLF ball valve.

Unfortunately, my CW-50 did not come with any type of instructions for setting it up and when I contact support, they over simplify it. I'm 14 months in the my CW50 and have yet to see any algae grow on the mesh other than the occasional cleaning from the drip tube yet algae continues to flourish in my main tank.

Any advice you can provide based on your experience will be helpful.

Thank you and stay safe!
I have one. I ran it only at night. After 3 weeks or so the algae started to grow. I had just guessed on the flow. Not certain what your issue is. Maybe try only lighting for 6 or so hours.
Great suggestion!

Are you turning the light on in the evenings or during the day?

Once again, thank you!
I run it 24 hours a day. I snapped a picture of it before I will clean it this weekend. Not sure if that helps.

I would guess that the flow is still too strong in your case. I don't know how to post a video here. My trickles over the mesh. When it is clean about 2/3's across the top comes down with water. As algae grows it spreads out.


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Clearwater CW-50 Algae Scrubber

I seeded the mesh with algae back in mid Oct 2020.....still no algae growth!!


The dark green spots of algae is what I seeded tonight.

I cut the notches in the mesh at the top to help increase flow.

I have also reduced the flow significantly. Basically used the ball valve to turn off and turned on slowly so there's enough flow trickling down the mesh.

Fingers crossed[emoji1696]this will work and I'll finally get to harvest/scrap algae off the mesh 14 months after installing the Clearwater CW50.

Apologies to ClearWater but I am sceptical but hopeful it will finally work. It's too bad there's no setup instructions. Searched for YouTubes which only exists for plumbing the scrubber but not setting up.
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Clearwater CW-50 Algae Scrubber

On February 28, 2021 this is what my CW50 mesh looked [emoji106]!


I adjusted my flow so it just trickles over the mesh as well as changing the schedule for the light. Instead of running the light 24x7, the light comes on at 11:00pm and turns off at 7:00a.

Regardless, I've successfully got algae growing in my Clearwater CW-50 finally after running for 13 months with no success.

I'm hoping Clearwater now includes detailed instructions for setting up their algae scrubber.

Thank you to everyone who provided advice.