closed loop question


New member
Im getting a 110 gallon 48x18x30 this weekend. Its drilled for 2 close loops, which I assume means 4 holes. should the pump be on a shelf at the level where the tank sits? If I put the pump at the bottom of the stand I would need a bigger pump right? which pumps should I use? and where should the pump sit? thanks
It would probably be best, if you can afford it to go big and hide the pump under your stand. I can't comment on how many holes will be in the tank as no two closed loops are setup identically. Maybe an Iwaki or a Dart as the pump?

Hope this Helps!
its 2 closed loops, the guy before me used 2 mag 12's but im not sure how far down he had them, was thinking maybe I could use one of the holes for a drain to the pump and then split the outputs to the other 3
im not sure yet this is in the beginning stages, the tank doesnt come with a stand, i have to build one, and was going to try to get the rest of the equipment together while I was doing it. Thinking about an Iwaki MD40 as the main return, or the panam equivalent, just not sure about the closed loop, ive never set one up before, I understand how they work, but i havent seen if most people plumb it to the floor or right behind the tank.
Pump size does not really matter on a closed loop. The advantage of a closed loop is that there is no head pressure working against the pump weather its zero inches below the tank or 20 feet below the tank, pump sees the same head pressure(minus very minute plumbing wall pressure).
I prefer in the tank just to cut back on noise but many people put them level with the tank to save on pump size. All in where you like it really.
so the height of where the pump sits should make no difference right?maybe i can use 2 md40's one as the return and then 1 sitting next to that one with 1 input with a valve in case i have to take the pump off, and then 1 output and splitting off into 3 before entering the tank. or should I put a valve coming out of the tank too?
Here is how I did my closed loop:

The large pipe in the middle is the intake for the Barracuda which is housed under the tank on the right. A 4-way sits on top and sends 2 1" outputs to the back of the tank, and one 1" output on each side.


Here is a close pic of the Barracuda:


Each CL pipe glued into the bulkeads has a ball valve I use to close the water. This is a must in my book. Then I have a true union ball valve between the Barracuda and the 4-way. Each pipe connected to the 4-way has unions and the intake pipe has a union. This allows me to remove the pump and/or the 4-way without having to tear the tank apart. And I already removed the Barracuda twice.

Just some ideas for you.