Clove Polyp Question (Pic Inc.)


New member
My clove Polyps in the Top Center area have recently started to close and wilt on and off all day. They will periodically all fall down together and within 5 min are all facing back up towards the light and then repeat the process. They were not doing this nearly as often before, Maybe once or twice a day but now they seem to do it 100 times a day. Just wondering if this behavior is normal. It just kinda annoys me.


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I think it's weird to have it happen that often, it sounds like something is stressing them out. Any new tank changes or additions? Maybe that fox coral is stinging them?
Right after I posted this I came up with a theory, I think when one of my hermits tries to dig into the bottom of them to reach any kind of food found at the base, They all panic and wilt. I Found one of my larger red legs in there and I remember this isn't the first time i've seen him around them. I just watched a decent sized blue leg crawl out from them when they were wilted to. So prob something as simply as my coral having crabs <.<