Clown Goby and SPS problem


New member
Okay, this is a something I made a newb mistake. I went to a LFS who has a great little sps display tank. In there he has a lot of little yellow clown gobies in there perching on the sps and I thought that looks neat... so I bought one.. now some of my sps are not extending polyps and are bleaching a little bit... is the goby the problem? I recently added a UV sterilizer as well, but can't imagine that is the problem, ph is fine and alk is fine... if it's this fish, any ideas how to get him out? Thanks for any advice!
I had a similar problem with the same fish. I could never catch him but finally he got caught in the overflow and I moved him to my nano tank. Some people don't have problems with this fish but I did. Good luck catching him!