Club website changes


New member
I just finished updating the club Officers email addresses. If you need to contact us, the following changes have taken effect.

Richard Rendos

Willem Bermel

Barrett Shumaker

We will shortly be closing the JAMRAC.ORG website.
The WTMRAC.ORG will be the only site online.

If you remember, the club changed names within the first couple of meetings. This was why we had 2 websites. Renewal for the first ( site is coming due soon, and I see no reason to pay for both anymore.

Please make changes to your bookmarks, favorites, etc.

P.S. - the site seems to be having some technical difficulties. I hope to get them fixed very soon. Not sure what happened, but I will talk to the web hosting company tomorrow.
The site is slowly getting better. I decided since the web host lost most of our files that it was time for an update. I will be working on it for the next few weeks.
More updates...
the Paypal link to pay membership dues is back online.
The Member tank photos page is up...not complete...but finished.