Collecting Live Sand?


New member
I was wondering if any of you have collected your own sand, or know of any one who has. If I was to, I would go offshore where there is plenty of current and only take the top level of sand. Is this a bad Idea? Let me know your experience's This will be used in a new tank. T.I.A.

hey I have a better aidea pm treeman hi will sell u some really cheap :D were in miami are u I have to buy some from him
zoom ....
It is aragonite from the Bahamas. I also have small quantities of live aragonite sand from my prop system.
back to my original ques. will I encounter any probs collecting my own sand? Considering it would come from offshore, areas colse to the reef line? Thanks. Cant wait till this summer Bahamas here I come.
I got 3 buckets full for my tank.
I got it in tavernier key. Near the lighthouse. Miles off shore.

No problems.

Lots of critters.

Tank is 5 months old now. Doing great.
1st problem is that it is completely illegal to take live sand, live rock, or any stony corals from the reef or beach. These knuckleheads renourish the beach every so often, and it takes years for the reefs to recover. Alot of the places in Broward still havent recovered from the last one, and they're going to do it again. The coastline doesn't need help from us removing sand.
Also, helpful hint... amend your profile to show where you're from. It's nice to be able to tell who it is we're talking with! I second going to treeman. His sand is about as cheap as spending the gas to go get the stuff. Wash it well to remove the finest stuff.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6877881#post6877881 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ludwigia73
1st problem is that it is completely illegal to take live sand, live rock, or any stony corals from the reef or beach. These knuckleheads renourish the beach every so often, and it takes years for the reefs to recover. Alot of the places in Broward still havent recovered from the last one, and they're going to do it again. The coastline doesn't need help from us removing sand.
Also, helpful hint... amend your profile to show where you're from. It's nice to be able to tell who it is we're talking with! I second going to treeman. His sand is about as cheap as spending the gas to go get the stuff. Wash it well to remove the finest stuff.

I agreed $5 for 40lbs. what that I want to do something illegal ....................
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6877881#post6877881 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ludwigia73
1st problem is that it is completely illegal to take live sand, live rock, or any stony corals from the reef or beach. These knuckleheads renourish the beach every so often, and it takes years for the reefs to recover. Alot of the places in Broward still havent recovered from the last one, and they're going to do it again. The coastline doesn't need help from us removing sand.
Also, helpful hint... amend your profile to show where you're from. It's nice to be able to tell who it is we're talking with! I second going to treeman. His sand is about as cheap as spending the gas to go get the stuff. Wash it well to remove the finest stuff.

I dont see any problem w/ collecting Live Sand nor does it say it is Illegal, if it is then I would not do it. This is what I'm going by.

Prohibited Species: All harvest is prohibited of the following species:
Live rock, Bahama starfish (Oreaster reticulatis), longspine urchin (Diadema antillarum), Venus sea fan (Gorgonia flabellum), common sea fan (Gorgonia ventalina), any hard or stony coral (Order Scleractinia), or any fire coral (Genus Millepora).

Found from here:

This is not about the money to buy the sand. I go out on my boat often, and figured why not grab some sand.
Ethically if it's past the 2nd reef, I'd agree, wouldn't hurt anyone. I swear I saw somewhere it was illegal to take live sand from the reef. I'll try to find it.
Yes I have never seen where it is illegal to take live sand. I would do it but in a small quantity after the tank is pretty much cycled. That way it would introduce some diversity in the system. But you still run the risk of getting something that you don't want. I guess you cold quarantine the sand.
Off topic...but Treeman....Do you webpage or anything with pictures of your tanks....a 200, 900 and 1100...Id LOVE to see some!! thanks!
It is LEGAL to take live sand from Florida waters! I really wish people would study up on their laws before posting (Ludwigia ;) ). Also, the beaches here in South Florida are not just renourished, but actually bigger than natural due to sand pumping. I am not saying that you should take dumptrucks full, but a few buckets won't hurt. I think TReeman can help you out with some sand also if you are worried about collecting or worried about poolutants.
I go out on my boat often, and figured why not grab some sand. [/B]

hey man take forge it about the sand :D take me in u bout lest go get some rics, I think is not illegal ???

hey criss soft corals are not illegal right???? I just want to make sure ......
Yeah, you can take rics, zoos, gorgonians... Cant remember what the rule was for how much of the rock you can take with them...
I'm gonna have to stand corrected... tried to find the rule for about an hour, and couldn't find anything. Wish I could remember where I saw that. I would've grabbed sand while I was out there, too! I just thought it was illegal. Sorry, guys, try not to let it happen again! LOL
Do you guys know how far out we need to go to get aragonite sand in Florida? All the sand i see off the beaches and near the shore does not look like it's aragonite based ?