Color Difference in New MH Bulb and Old Bulb


New member

I just got new bulbs for my tank. I'm replacing my 16 month old XM10Ks with new XM10Ks and I thought it would be interesting to see the color difference between new and old bulbs.

So here's a picture of my tank with a new bulb on the left and an old one on the right. There is a significant difference in color.

"XM are not known for their quality control. They are cheap Chinese made bulbs, no offense to the Chinese."

" cheap " yes 30% the cost if some overpriced bulb

"poor quality controls" they let some bad bulbs out acouple of years ago, but remided the situation.

way brighter (more par) then the competition.
corals grow like weeds under them.
cheep. good color, etc......
I might be wrong but if you do wait 16 months to replace your MH bulbs should you not start with one at a time, lowering your photoperiod a bit and slowly work in the new bulbs since they will be more intense then what the corals have slowly come accustomed to over the 16 month period?
Yes, I know 16 months is a long time to use Mh bulbs for. I took this picture specifically because the extended duration really gave a good example. Of course they burn in over time, hence the reason behind this picture.

Saying XM 10K is a cheap chinese bulb is like saying a lexus is a cheap Japanese Mercedes. No offense, but I think you should check whether you care more about quality or where it's made.

Actually, I don't think the par value of the bulbs decreases much over time. The spectrum seems to shift towards a warmer color but I don't think the acutal radiation decreases.


You're probably right about lowering the photoperiod to ensure no damage. All of my corals seem healthy and hardy and I'de be surprised if this change hurts them.
No offense taken. I do care about quality and I dont care where they are made. I'm running Coralvue Reeflux bulbs right now which are probably made in China and are as cheap in price. All I'm saying is that XM bulbs are inconsistent.

I can pull multiple posts about someone buying two XM bulbs at the same time and have them burn a different color. For instance, just today this was posted in the Lighting forum.

I have seen these posts all too many times.

Following the threads back on some of those posts doesn't paint XMs in a good light. (sorry for the pun)

Now you're making me nervous about my new bulbs and I tink they are too yellow...
