combining a 150 and 110 into a 300G. Questions.


New member
Hello everyone, I currently have a 150G w/3 to 400lbs of lr and 4" sand bed, and a 110 fowlr w/200lbs of lr and 4" sand bed that I am going to combine into a 300G tank that has been given to me. The 300 is going to go where my 150 is currently sitting, the plan as of right now is to drain the 150 down and try to move it 4' away from the wall so we can slide the 300 into place behind it. I will then refill the 150 so I can get the 300 set up.

My big concern has to do with moving my sand bed and lr into the new tank, I plan on using my current sand bed from both tanks in the 300. If I just transfer my sand into the new tank will it cause a cycle? Should I wash 80% of my sand and keep 20% to seed it? I will be using the water from both tanks and mixing new water to top it off. I have never attempted to move a system like this before, Is there a way to do this without causing a major spike? I have some fish that have been with me for years and I do not want to loose them because I upgraded tanks.

Any advise is greatly appreciated.

I've done this once before, and all I did was keep a bucket of old sand aside, and rinsed the rest of it until it was running clear.. In the process, and just because it was a good time, I also dumped a couple of 40 lb bags of new aragonite too.. Refill the tank, and dump in the old bucket to reseed..

I've not had a spike when doing this..
About 2 years ago I picked up about 1600 lbs of reef sand for heck of a price so I have plenty of sand on hand to use new sand. Is there any reason as to why I could not wash out my sand I have in my current setup? New or used I have to wash sand either way.